Wednesday, July 7, 2010

DIY Dog Treats

Since going vegan, I have an overabundance of unconsumed yogurt in my refridgerator and I've been trying to come up with ways to get rid of it without feeling like it's been wasted. My yogurt-loving dogs would gladly take it off my hands, but I'm afraid of what "too much of a good thing" might do to their precious digestive systems (and consequently my hardwood floors). In the spirit of "everything in moderation", I decided to make little yogurt snacks for my dogs.
I decided to combine plain yogurt with one of the only other things in this world that make my dogs salivate uncontrollably: bananas. (Cheez Whiz also makes them salivate uncontrollably, but it seemed a little overkill to include that too)

Frozen Yogurt Puppy Pops
(it was the first thing that came to mind - feel free to suggest alternate names)
1 whole banana, peeled
1/2 c. plain yogurt (I used what I had on hand - fat free - but any plain will work)

Blend banana and yogurt in a food processor until smooth. On a parchment lined baking sheet, drop half dollar sized dollops of "smoothie" onto sheet. Freeze for about 1-2 hours. Serve cold to your furry children.

The finished product

The happy customers

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